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Professional Investor - Netherlands

Alternative Investment Solutions - AIS

Leaning on each other’s strengths. That’s breaking ground together. We call it, Kom verder.

Investing in alternative assets can be challenging even for experienced investors. What’s more, no two investment problems are the same.

That’s why we developed Alternative Investment Solutions – AIS. It’s our new consultancy-led service that offers highly tailored portfolio solutions with the option of a robust governance framework.

Our clients value the opportunity to have our guidance as well as the broad spectrum of options we can offer within illiquid asset classes and impact investment solutions .  

Optimising alternatives

A new consultancy-led service offering tailored advice within a robust governance framework

Why Alternatives?

1. Enhancing returns

✓ Harvest an illiquidity premium
✓ Most alternative investments have an Income component and stable cashflows
✓ Often a claim on physical assets, indirectly related to inflation compensation

2. Improving diversification

✓ Less sensitive to market corrections
✓ Diverse set of risk/return drivers compared to traditional investments
✓ Wider opportunity set

3. Possibility to embed sustainability

✓ Influence and control over sustainability factors
✓ ESG integration possible throughout the supply chain
✓ Impact Investing


Moving into the investment mainstream

Alternative assets continue to move into the investment mainstream. The following chart shows the volume increase of alternative assets over the past 22 years during which time their popularity has not waned, in spite of some challenging market events.  With AUM in alternatives currently at record highs we believe these assets will continue on this growth trajectory or may even accelerate in the future. 

(This is a marketing communication, please note this is a reflection of a specific situation/portfolio and this outcome may not apply to your specific situation.)

Source: Van Lanschot Kempen, August 2023. The source for base data is Preqin.

Challenges of investing in alternatives

Navigating Complexities

It’s a daunting task to select the alternative asset class that best fit your investment criteria & current portfolio

Choosing the right manager

Return dispersion is larger, the fees are higher, and you are locked up for longer compared to liquid investments

Integrating sustainability

Sustainability has low priority and is badly integrated in the investment process at most alternative investment managers

Staying in control

Low-quality reporting, complexity of closed-end funds and the inability to trade makes investors feel lost after investing

Adding value with AIS

Tailored Strategic AA

✓ Best-in-class approach
✓ Transparent fee structure
✓ No performance fee
✓ Lower minimum investments

Goal-oriented design

✓ Maximum Diversification
✓ Best-effort liquidity
✓ Integrated sustainability
✓ Flexible legal structures

Start-to-end management

✓ Robust ongoing assessment
✓ Detailed, transparent monitoring
✓ Institutional grade reporting
✓ Integration of existing investment

Webinar On Demand

Impact investing through alternatives - how to manage opportunities and deliver measurable impact, featuring regenerative farmland as a case study.
Watch Now

Flexible Implementation options for Institutions, Asset Managers and Banks

Specialist alternative solutions

Alternative Credit

Alternative, non-listed credit investments can earn additional return by taking advantage of illiquidity and complexity premiums. This asset class contains many types of debt instruments such as distressed debt, structured credit and direct lending.

The costs for this proposition are dependent of the advice you’ll receive. Please contact us in case you would like to know more.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance provides no guarantee for the future.

There’s a saying in Dutch, Kom verder, it means many things and it’s our business philosophy. It captures the way we work with clients but also the way we steer our investee companies to deliver shareholder value through active engagement.

Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management (UK) Limited is registered in England & Wales with registration number 02833264. Registered office at 20 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0BG Tel: +44 (0)20 3636 9400. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with reference number 166063.

Contact us

Wilse Graveland

Head of Fiduciary Management – NL

Johan van Egmond

Head of Institutional Relations – NL

+31 6 57 36 45 05

Jonas Wiggelinkhuizen

Vice President Institutional Relations - NL

Iain Brown

Head of Strategic Clients FM - UK

Vicky Casebourne

Head of Institutional Relations - UK

Jens Poepjes

Senior Fiduciary Manager – Switzerland

Frank Jüdt

Business Development Products and Strategies – Switzerland

Daniel Whitaker

Business development products and strategies – International

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