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Professional Investor - Netherlands
1 oktober 2023

Alternatives Quarterly Views - Q3 2023

The Q3 2023 edition of our Alternatives Quarterly Views is out! 

For many years, traditional portfolios (equities, bonds) generally performed well, thanks to low inflation, declining interest rates, and negative correlation between equities and bonds. However, we believe that in the current regime of lower growth, elevated inflation and growing geopolitical uncertainty, portfolios need to incorporate alternatives with the aim to enhance portfolio returns, improve diversification, and embed sustainability. Alternative investments refer to a broad category of assets (e.g., Alternative credit, Real assets and Private equity) that extend beyond traditional investments. 

In this quarterly publication we provide market insights across the following major alternative asset classes, emphasizing past quarter’s performance, current metrics and our 6-12 months’ outlook for each asset class:

Alternative credit  Real assets Private equity 
 Corporate Direct Lending  Private Real Estate (equity)  Private equity
 Structured Credit  Private Infrastructure (equity)  
 Distressed Debt  Private Farmland (equity)  

In the current environment, within Alternative Credit, we have a moderately positive view on (mezzanine) Structured Credit and Distressed Debt, while we are cautious on Corporate Direct Lending given the economic cycle. Within Real Assets, we like the inflation-hedging characteristics of Private Infrastructure and Farmland but expect that Private Real Estate may continue to suffer from downward valuation revisions. Similarly, the current macro-economic environment, combined with elevated valuations, makes us cautious on Private Equity (particularly large buyout funds).
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