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Professional Investor - Netherlands
9 March 2023

Global Impact Pool Quarterly Investor Letter

We are pleased to report on the fourth quarter of 2022 for Kempen’s Global Impact Pool, in which we continued to deploy capital towards the Global Impact Pool’s mission, which is to make investments that positively contribute to solving global problems around the food, water and climate nexus and five Sustainable Development Goals. 

Specifically, we aim to address the following impact themes: 

  1. Basic needs & well-being: the provision of basic goods & services for the underserved including water and health & wellbeing;
  2. SME development & decent work: creating decent jobs with fair employment practices to eradicate poverty; 
  3. Circular economy: Support sustainable consumption and production aimed at doing more and better with less, and; 
  4. Climate & energy: Contribute to abundant clean energy and reduction of CO₂ emissions. 

Bearing in mind our mission, there is also the explicit target to generate a market rate financial return.

Impact highlights


Financial return

The Kempen Global Impact Pool (GIP) achieved a negative return of -4.4% for the FA share class during the fourth quarter of 2022, resulting in a return of 0.7% for the full calender year. The average annualized return over the last 3 years is equal to 5.9%. Since the launch of the fund in the beginning of 2018, the fund realized an average annuallized return of 3.5% for its participants.
Financial markets faced several strong headwinds during 2022, driven by rising interest rates, severe supply chain disruptions and high inflation. As a result of this challenging market environment, many asset classes eventually delivered negative returns. The balanced investment portfolio of the GIP, however, managed to deliver positive returns for the full calendar year. The Infrastructure and Private Debt part of the portfolio contributed positively to performance, while the Private Equity and Venture Capital components detracted slightly. For these two latter components, the negative effects from the macro-economic environment were mitigated by several strong valuation uplifts at the underlying individual company level. Another tailwind for the strategy was the strengthening of the US dollar throughout 2022.

Portfolio developments

The GIP continued its mission to pool capital and scale impact on behalf of its participants during the last quarter of 2022. Assets under management increased to €178 million at the end of December 2022. This increase can be attributed to a strong inflow of client assets. On a net basis, there have been inflows of approximately €16.3 million for the GIP during the quarter. After quarter’s end, a similar inflow occurred since around €16.0 million in capital was called from investors in the F-share class. This allows the GIP and its investment partners to deploy capital in 
a market that offers many opportunities at relatively attractive valuations.

During the fourth quarter of 2022, the team managed to deploy almost €16 million of new capital to the GIP’s investment partners, who have been calling capital to fund new investments. Capital was called by nearly all of GIP’s investment partners, with a significant amount drawn by KGAL (ESPF 5, European sustainable infrastructure), Trill Impact (Northern Europe Private Equity – broad impact mandate) and Quona Capital (Opportunity Fund, Emerging Markets Venture Capital focused on financial inclusion). The most capital was, however, called by our new investment partner Impax for their New Energy Investors Fund IV. This strategy can be labelled as European value-add sustainable infrastructure, as the focus of this strategy lies on investing in platforms which developed multiple sustainable infrastructure projects in Europe. 

The overview below provides a summary of the most important developments in the portfolio this quarter per individual impact theme.

During the quarter, no additional capital was allocated to the Basic needs and well-being theme. As mentioned above, however, the team is expecting to soon be able to increase the exposure to this theme significantly through a co-investment opportunity. During this fourth quarter of 2022, the GIP’s investment team spent a considerable amount of research capacity on this transaction, including a -site visit to meet the founders of the company. 

Within the theme of SME development and decent work, our investment partners made good progress by completing new or follow-on investments in portfolio companies. Quona Capital, our investment partner focusing on early-stage fintech companies in underserved economies, called most capital to finance several transactions. Follow-on investments include Destaxa, Castia, Creditas and Klar. The latter two investments have been completed from Quona Capital’s Opportunity Fund, which invest in the most succesfull and promising companies from Quona Capital’s earlier funds. Examples of new investments for Quona Capital include Turno, Franq, Power and Twinco. Turno is an online platform which focusses on commerce, financing and lifecycle management for eletric commerical vehicles in India. The Brazilian company Franq has created an open architecture platform which enebles multiple financial advisors to distribute their financial services to their end-consumers. Power, a company operating in sub-Saharan Africa, uses embedded finance to offer financial services (like insurance or loans) to the African workforce. The European based Twinco has created a supply chain solution which is specifically aimed at providing finance to small and medium-sized companies in emerging markets, which eventually provides them better acess to business opportunities and grow their business. All these companies perfectly align with GIP’s impact target of providing essential, affordable financial services to low-income customers.

ResponsAbility, one of the GIP's investment partners within the Circular economy theme, focuses on providing working capital to (cooperatives of) smallholder farmers in developing countries. Most activity during the fourth quarter of 2022 occurred in Sub-Saharan Africa, where capital has been allocated to cocoa-organizations (West Africa), a cotton-producer (Uganda) and a new investee focused on coffee in Uganda. In Central and Latin America, all loans went to coffee producers as the coffee season in ongoing in the region. In India, disbursements went to two financial institutions with a focus on agriculture.

With its investments within the Climate and energy transition theme, the GIP contributes to the energy transition towards more sustainable energy sources. During the fourth quarter of 2022, most capital was allocated to this theme as capital was called by four of our investment partners.  As a result, the GIP’s exposure to the Climate and energy theme increased significantly over the quarter.
EIF, GIP’s investment partner that funds early-stage companies focusing on climate solutions, called capital to finance the investments in AMP and T8N. The US Headquartered company AMP offers both hardware and software solutions to manage the charging, discharging and battery health of electric vehicles. The Eight Notch, abbreviated as T8N, has created a software solution which identifies and merges package shipments that share a common or similar destination. This solution significantly reduces costs and emissions for large carrier consumers like UPS and FedEx. 
Our European Impact Private Equity partner, Trill Impact, called capital to finance their investment in RakSystems, a transaction which they have completed earlier in the year. RakSystems, a Finish company, is the leading firm in the Nordics focused on building services like inspections, energy/life cycle assessment, certification and renovation projects. 
KGAL, our German investment partner with currently two funds in GIP’s portfolio, invests in the development of wind farms and solar energy parks in Europe. KGAL continued to make good progress with the development of its assets during the quarter, resulting in a decent amount of capital being called for their most recent fund (ESPF 5). This capital was used, among other things, to finance the construction of a solar power plant and windfarm in Italy together with financing development platforms in Germany and Spain. All these investments will soon add a significant amount of renewable energy capacity to the network.

Our new investment partner within this theme, Impax, called a considerable amount of capital to finance both the already existing portfolio and some new investments which have been completed more recently. The existing portfolio consists of several platform deals which focus on developing windfarms and solar plants in Germany, Poland, Greece and Italy. The most recent platform deals, for which capital was called this quarter, are aimed at developing solar plants in Italy, Ireland and the USA. 

The impact case for this quarter focuses on the impact opportunity in India, as the GIP’s investment team completed a field trip in this country in December 2022. The objective of this trip centered around (1) experiencing the impact which the portfolio companies are achieving, (2) meet and review the investment partners in their daily operations, and (3) source new investment opportunities in the country. 

Download the report

Luxembourg. Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management (VLK IM) is the management company of the Fund. Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management is authorized as a management company and regulated by the Dutch regulator Autoriteit Financiële Markten. The Sub-Fund is registered under the license of Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management at the Autoriteit Financiële Markten and not subject to Luxembourg supervision. The shares of the Sub-Fund are admitted for (public) offering in the Netherlands, the UK, France and Switzerland. The information in this document provides insufficient information for an investment decision. Please read the Key Investor Document (only for the Netherlands) and the prospectus. These documents of the Fund are available on the website of VLK IM.

The Sub-Fund may have investments in financial instruments mentioned in this document and it may at any time decide to execute buy or sell transactions in these financial instruments. The views expressed in this document may be subject to change at any given time, without prior notice. The information in this document not intended and should not be considered as research, an investment recommendation or as an offer and provides insufficient information for an investment decision.
Although the contents of this document have been compiled with the utmost care, and are based on reliable sources of information, no guarantee or warranty is given and no liability is accepted, express or implied, regarding the completeness or accuracy of the contents.


There’s a saying in Dutch, Kom verder, it means many things and it’s our business philosophy. It captures the way we work with clients but also the way we steer our investee companies to deliver shareholder value through active engagement.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise, and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance provides no guarantee for the future.

Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management (UK) Limited is registered in England & Wales with registration number 02833264. Registered office at 20 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0BG Tel: +44 (0)20 3636 9400. Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management (UK) Ltd, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with reference number 166063.

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