On 13 May 2015, Van Lanschot NV’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) adopted the 2014 financial statements. The AGM held today in the Dutch town of ’s-Hertogenbosch also voted in favour of all other resolutions.
Shareholders agreed to the proposed pay-out of a cash dividend of €0.40 per Class A ordinary share.
Bernadette Langius was appointed to the Van Lanschot Supervisory Board, while Tom de Swaan and Willy Duron were reappointed as Supervisory Board members.
Ernst & Young Accountants were appointed as Van Lanschot’s external auditors for the 2015 financial year and PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants (PwC) for 2016.
The full agenda with notes can be downloaded at Shareholders' meetings.
Dividend dates are available at Share information.
2015 Financial calendar
25 August - Publication of 2015 half-year results
6 November - Publication of 2015 Q3 trading update
More information
Media Relations: +31 20 354 45 85; mediarelations@vanlanschotkempen.com
Investor Relations: +31 20 354 45 90; investorrelations@vanlanschotkempen.com