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News | 6 April 2023

Van Lanschot Kempen Supervisory Board member Lex van Overmeire has died

The Supervisory Board and Management Board of Van Lanschot Kempen have noted with sadness the death of Lex van Overmeire.

Lex van Overmeire was a member of the Supervisory Board and chairman of the Audit Committee since 2017. He fulfilled his duties with a great sense of responsibility. His broad knowledge and experience as an external auditor of financial institutions was very valuable to Van Lanschot Kempen.

Lex was a dedicated colleague, who shared his opinions and advice in a careful and considered manner. He was a good advisor, with an eye for detail and a relativising humour. He closely followed social developments and was keenly aware of Van Lanschot Kempen's role in society.

In particular, we will remember his deep commitment to Van Lanschot Kempen, with which he felt so deeply connected.

We are very grateful to Lex for his contribution to Van Lanschot Kempen. We lose a wise, loyal adviser and a friend who will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his wife Wilma and his children, grandchildren and other loved ones.

Supervisory Board Van Lanschot Kempen
Frans Blom, chairman

Management Board Van Lanschot Kempen
Maarten Edixhoven

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