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Press release | 10 April 2019

Willy Duron nominated for reappointment for period of two years

Agenda for general meeting 2019 published

Van Lanschot Kempen’s Supervisory Board will nominate Willy Duron, chairman of the Supervisory Board, for reappointment for a period of two years.

Willy Duron has been a member of the Supervisory Board for twelve years, the last three of which as its Chairman. His current term of office ends on the day of the general meeting on 22 May 2019. The Supervisory Board started the search for a qualified and available successor more than a year and a half ago. The process to find a suitable candidate with the right experience and expertise proved to be challenging. The conclusion the Supervisory Board reached is that it requires more time to find a successor to Willy Duron.

In light of the above, the Supervisory Board has asked Willy Duron to make himself available for reappointment as a member of the Supervisory Board for a period of maximum two years, to which he has consented. The Works Councils have used their enhanced right of recommendation to put forward Willy Duron for reappointment for a period of two years.

Van Lanschot Kempen’s Supervisory Board will nominate Bernadette Langius for reappointment as a member of the Supervisory Board for a period of four years.

The notification of the meeting and agenda with notes are available at The general meeting will take place on 22 May 2019 in the Van Lanschot Tower in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, commencing at 2.00 p.m.
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