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Professional Investor - Netherlands
23 January 2025

Van Lanschot Kempen to strengthen UK fiduciary management team with the addition of Patrick Race as a Managing Director

Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management UK today announces the appointment of Patrick Race as Managing Director, effective 1st February 2025. This appointment underscores the UK fiduciary management team's continued drive towards committed client partnerships, emphasising expertise, excellent client service and long-term relationships with its expanding institutional client base. 

Pat will mainly focus on serving large UK pension schemes with more than £1 billion in assets. Working within our Client Director team, he will advise, develop and execute fully bespoke long-term investment strategies aimed at meeting each client’s unique circumstances combined with Van Lanschot Kempen’s high quality client service.

Pat brings significant experience and a strong network to Van Lanschot Kempen, built over 30 years of working in the investment consulting industry with large institutional investors. Prior to joining Van Lanschot Kempen, Pat spent two years as one of the Founding Partners at Isio, following the sale of KPMG’s pensions advisory practice where he also spent three years as a Partner. He has also worked at Mercer in the investment division from 1996 to 2017, based in Birmingham, Chicago and then London advising public, corporate and trustee pension scheme clients ranging up to £10 billion in assets.

Andre Keijsers, CEO at Van Lanschot Kempen UK, commented: “This appointment strengthens Van Lanschot Kempen’s commitment to excellence in our bespoke fiduciary investment management services for our clients. Fiduciary management is at the core of our of business, and Pat’s proven track record of building strong, trusted client relationships with defined benefit workplace pension schemes will be invaluable as we continue to grow and enhance this offering. Pat’s appointment reflects our firm’s ability to attract top-tier talent to deliver exceptional service and outcomes for our clients.”

Nikesh Patel, Head of UK Client Solutions, at Van Lanschot Kempen, commented: “We are incredibly pleased that Pat will join our firm, thereby further strengthening our capabilities and offering. I am very much looking forward to working with Pat and further developing our customised offering. There are currently many changes in the UK pension industry, and it is absolutely crucial that trustees and corporates receive a comprehensive overview of the available options (including protected run-on, consolidation etc) so they can make the best decision. Patrick’s experience will be invaluable in this regard.”

Patrick Race, newly appointed Managing Director at Van Lanschot Kempen, commented: “Van Lanschot Kempen has an outstanding reputation for delivering innovative, tailored solutions that help clients achieve their long-term goals. I am excited to be working alongside such a talented team in the pursuit of creating value and delivering the best long term funding solutions for the custodians of pension assets.”

About Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management
Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management is a specialist investment manager with a focused approach and a clear investment philosophy. We believe in long-term stewardship for our clients and other stakeholders. Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management provides sustainable returns, fiduciary management services, manager selection, portfolio construction and monitoring, alongside a number of actively-managed investment strategies. As of 30 June 2024, Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management had a total of €112.9 billion in client assets.

About Van Lanschot Kempen
Van Lanschot Kempen is an independent, specialist wealth manager active in private banking, investment management and investment banking, with the aim of preserving and creating wealth, in a sustainable way, for both its clients and the society of which it is part. Through our long-term focus, we create positive financial and nonfinancial value. Listed at Euronext Amsterdam, Van Lanschot Kempen is the Netherlands’ oldest independent financial services company, with a history dating back to 1737.

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